Course curriculum

  • 1

    You’ve Landed on this Course and Have No Idea Why You're Here. Why Should You Stay?

    • Why Are You Here?

  • 2

    Overview: What You'll Get From Clarifying Your Customer Point of Possibilities

    • Table of Contents

  • 3

    Prologue: Where Does the CPoP Fit In?

    • Where Does the CPoP Fit In?

  • 4

    Module 1: Why the First Words Out of Your Mouth Should Not Be "I/We"

    • Module 1 - Intro

    • Creating the Right First Impression

    • Test Your Learning

    • Evaluate Yourself: Creating the Right First Impression

  • 5

    Module 2: Creating Your CPoP

    • Module 2 - Intro

    • Creating Your CPoP

    • Test your learning

    • Evaluate Yourself: Creating Your CPoP

  • 6

    Module 3: Answering the “Tell Me More!”

    • Module 3 - Intro

    • What is Your "Tell Me More"?

    • Test your learning

    • Evaluate Yourself: Answering the "Tell Me More"

  • 7

    Module 4: How Do You Have the Credibility to Do What You Do?

    • Module 4 - Intro

    • What Gives YOU Credibility?

    • Test your learning

    • Evaluate Yourself: Answering the "How Do You Have the Credibility to Do What You Do?"

  • 8

    Module 5: CPoPPing: Reinforcing Your CPoP

    • Module 5 - Intro

    • Reinforcing Your CPoP

    • Test Your Learning

    • Evaluate Yourself: Are You CPoPPing?

  • 9

    Evaluate Yourself: Are You CPoPPing?

    • Happy CPoPPing!

    • Continue Your Journey Towards More Credibility

    • One Last Thing...

Credibility Nation's
Founder and Chief Architect

Your Course Instructor

Global Credibility Expert

Mitchell Levy

Global Credibility Expert, Mitchell Levy, is a 2x TEDx speaker, an international bestselling author of over 60 books, and an executive coach at Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches. After interviewing 500 thought leaders on credibility, he published a 7-country international bestselling book, delivered a TEDx on humanity, created courses, and created the Credibility Nation membership community that supports those who want to live and play more credibly.